Category: Culture and Language

Igbo Names and their meaning
Naming a child is a very important decision for the child’s parent, as the name forms the basis of the […]

Afia olu or” ifejioku” (new yam) traditional festival of Nnewi as religious ritual and drama
The Afiaolu festival commences on “Eke” day with what is traditionally described as “IWAJI” (scaling of yam) and Ikpa Nku (the wood gathering), this heralds the availability of new yam as well as thanks giving to God.

Traditional Sharing formula of the Estate of a dead Nnewi Man by Anayo Nwosu
If a man dies intestate (i.e. without a Will) the following procedures are followed in Nnewi to share his estate: […]
Conditions under Which a Girl Is Supported To Get Pregnant In His Father’s House in Nnewi
In my town, a single girl would be permitted to beget children while in her father’s compound under the following […]
Nnewi Afiaolu Festival
Afiaolu (New yam festival) is a traditional festival held annually in Nnewi around August. The Afiaolu festival commences on “Eke” […]

Egedege dance of Unubi
Egedege Dance is one of the most renowned traditional dance outfits and an Igbo traditional Royal-styled cultural dance in the whole of South-Eastern Nigeria. Founded in 1985, it is a reincarnation of an old version originally performed by the ancestors of the present-day Unubi.
Igbo Proverbs, Idioms And Parables
Guest Author: Onyeagba Joseph Chinonye Professor Albert Chinualumogu Achebe, one of the prominent sons of Igboland once defined […]
Igbo Grammar
Grammar: Language and Pronunciation Igbo language is one of the many languages spoken in Nigeria. Since its independence, the main […]
Igbo-English and English-Igbo Dictionary
Igbo – English – – m I -a this, these A abalï night abalï öma good night, good-evening abüö […]
Food and Recipes
Igbo people typically have a list a number of soups with meat or fish ingredients, served with either pounded yam, […]