Nzuko ora Nnewi Constitution
1.1. The organization shall be known as NZUKO ORA NNEWI, hereinafter called The Nzuko Ora, which is a body corporate with Trustees, organized pursuant to the Anambra State Rural Development Edict and Registered under Part C of the Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990 and has a common seal.
1.2. The constitution shall have binding force on all indigenes of Nnewi.
1.3. Each of the communities of Nnewi, viz. Otolo Nnewi, Uruagu Nnewi, Umudim Nnewi and Nnewichi Nnewi, may have its own constitution based on the Constitution of The Nzuko Ora. However, where there is a conflict, the provisions of the Constitution of The Nzuko Ora will prevail.
1.4. The approval and adoption of this constitution will automatically repeal the existing constitution of the Nnewi Community Development Union.
1. The Nzuko Ora shall act as a unifying factor on all issues affecting the life and well being of Nnewi town.
2. The Nzuko Ora shall be a forum through which every adult Nnewi indigene shall contribute to the development of Nnewi town. The Nzuko Ora shall be development-oriented and shall establish or simulate the establishment of structures and facilities which will promote and improve the quality of Nnewi people both inside and outside the town.
3. unparticular, The Nzuko Ora shall have the following objective:-
a. To act as a unifying factor on all issue affecting the life and well being of Nnewi indigenes.
b. To promote love, humanity and mutual assistance among Nnewi indigenes wherever they may side.
c. To educate and enlighten Nnewi indigenes in all matters affecting their well being.
d. To liaise with all other persons, bodies or originations that are involved in the development of Nnewi Town and the welfare of her people.
e. To work in close harmony with the Government of the day for the development of the town and people of Nnewi.
4. Nothing in this section shall infringe on the duties of the government recognized traditional ruler as specified in section 15 of the Anambra State Traditional Rulers Law 1981.
5. all traditional and customary institutions shall function in accordance with the traditional conventions and practices of Nnewi town
Membership shall be compulsory for all adult male indigenes above the age of 21(twenty-one).years.
Women married to Nnewi men shall constitution the Women’s Wing. Unmarried female indigenes above the age of 30 (thirty) years may register with The Nzuko Ora but attendance requirements at meetings shall be as may be fixed from time to time by the Branches. Membership shall be through one or two routes namely:
(b) The Home Branch: Which shall consist of all adult males of Nnewi, resident at Nnewi but shall be operated by a body consisting of five delegates of each of the fifty-one administrative ward of Nnewi.
(c) The Abroad Branches, which shall be constituted by ALL adult Nnewi people resident in an area \. At least 10 persons shall be required to form a branch. Where there are less than 10 persons, they shall be required to join the nearest branch.
To enable Nnewi people of all ages to continue to contribute to word the development of the town AGE GRADES shall be created within the Nzuko-Ora.
The Nzuko Ora shall comprise of the four communities of Nnewi, namely, Otolo Nnewi, Uruagu Nnewi, Umudim Nnewi and Nnewichi Nnewi and made up of the following institutions and organs:
(b) The Patrons
(c) The Trustees
(d) The central Executive Committee
(e) The Annual General Meeting.
(f) The Four – Yearly Assembly.
The supreme authority of The Nzuko Ora shall be vested in the Annual General Meeting and subject to that authority The Nzuko Ora shall be governed by the Central Executive Committee.
5.1 The patrons shall be made up of eight persons, two to be appointed by the Annual General Meeting in the appropriate year, from each of the four communities of Nnewi, on the recommendation of the respective communities and the concurrence of the Central Executive Committee.
5.2 The Patrons shall elect one of their members from time to act as secretary.
5.3 The Board shall elect one of its members as Chairman, from time to time, and shall regulate its own proceedings.
5.4 The Board of Patrons shall be reconstituted every five years. A Patron may be reappointed several times without limitation.
5.5 The Board shall advise The Nzuko Ora on any matter referred to it, or on any matter which in its opinion is of crucial importance to the welfare of Nnewi people.
5.6 A Patron shall be removed from office, by a resolution of the Annual General Meeting, if he is unable to discharge the duties of his office to the satisfaction of Nzuko Ora, for example:
(a) Due to prolonged absence from Nigeria.
(b) Due to illness or other incapacities, including old age; or
(c) Due to action by him which is embarrassing to, or is inimical to the interest of The Nzuko Ora and Nnewi people.
6.1 The Board of trustees shall be made up of eight persons, two to be elected from each of the four communities of Nnewi by the Annual General Meeting in the appropriate year. For this purpose, each community will nominate three candidates from among whom two will be elected. When a vacancy occurs in the membership of the Board, the community affected will nominate two persons from whom one will be elected to fill the vacancy
6.2 The trustees shall elect one of their members from time to time to act as Secretary.
6.3 The Board of Trustees shall elect one of its members as Chairman, from time to time, and shall regulate its own proceedings, subject to the rules and regulations of the Nzuko Ora.
6.4 Tenure of Office: The Board of trustees shall be reconstituted every five years. A trustee may be re-elected for only one more term of office.
6.5 Powers of the Board of trustees:
(a) The Board shall have custody of the seal of the Nzuko Ora.
(b) All properties of Nnewi Town shall be vested in the Board of Trustees jointly on trust for Nnewi town. The Trustees shall deal with the same in the interest of Nnewi town.
(c) In case of any dispute which threatens the continued existence of The Nzuko Ora, the Trustees shall take over the affairs of The Nzuko Ora. The trustees will use their best endeavours to resolve the dispute and resuscitate The Nzuko Ora and return control of the affair of Te Nzuko Ora to an elected Executive Committee. The Trustee shall endeavour to complete their assignment under this sub-clause within twelve calendar months.
Should the Board of Trustees fail to resolve the dispute the Board of Patrons should attempt the resolution.
6.6 Removal of Trustee from office.
A Trustee shall be removed from office only by the Annual General Meeting of The Nzuko Ora if he either:-
(a) Embezzle The Nzuko Ora’s fund or converts the property of The Nzuko Ora to his own or other person’s use, or
(b) Fails, neglects or refuses to account for the funds of The Nzuko Ora or property in his possession, custody or trust, or does not give satisfactory account thereof, or
(c) is unable to discharge the duties of his office to the satisfaction of The Nzuko Ora by reason of:-
(1) Constant or prolonged absence from the State or from Nigeria; or
(2) illness or other incapacities including old age, bankruptcy, insanity
or death; or
(3) Due to action by him which is embarrassing to, or is inimical to the interest of The Nzuko Ora.
The provisions of this section do not prejudice the right of The Nzuko Ora to take court action against any defaulting trustee where necessary.
7.1 The central executive Committee shall be the principal governing body of The
Nzuko Ora subject to the authority of the Annual General Meeting.
It shall be constituted as follows:
(a) All central officers of The Nzuko Ora.
(b) One representative of each of the fifty-one administration wards of Nnewi.
(c) Three representatives of each branch comprising the chairman, Secretary and such other member who is conversant with the activities of the Branch.
(d) The President and Secretaries of Otolo Nnewi, Uruagu Nnewi, Umudim Nnewi and Nnewichi Nnewi development Associations.
7.2 The Central Executive Committee shall meet twice a year, apart from emergency meetings. The venue of the meeting shall be at Nnewi.
7.3 Any member of The Nzuko Ora shall be free to attend any meeting of the Central Executive and shall not be entitled to sit at such meeting. However, he shall not be counted for the purpose of forming a quorum or be allowed to vote.
7.4 The quorum for an executive meeting shall be one-third of the members who are entitled to vote. The failure of any branch to send a representative to a meeting shall not in any way affect the validity of the proceedings. Provided always that the branches are given official notice of the meeting.
7.5 The voting power of each abroad branch shall be weighted in accordance with the strength of its membership. For every 50 members, a branch shall be entitled to one vote subject to a maximum of 5 votes. For membership in excess of 250, there shall be an additional one vote for every 200 members. The Home Branch shall have fifty-one votes.
7.6 The total number of votes for each aboard Branch shall be calculated against the number of its current financial members as reflected in returns made to the Central Executive Committee
7.7 The President-General shall summon an emergency meeting of the Central Executive Committee whenever the need arises. The President-General shall also summon an emergency meeting of the Central Executive Committee on an address signed by not less than one-quarter of the members of the General Executive Committee who must state the purpose for which the meeting is being convened. The quorum for an emergency meeting of the Central Executive committee shall be one-third of the members eligible to vote.
7.8 The agenda for every meeting shall be circulated.
7.9 Whenever a meeting of the Central Executive decides by a simple majority that an issue which has come before it for the first time is a vital one, such matter shall be referred to the Branch and a specified time provided for each branch to give due consideration to the matter and communicate its view to the Secretary-General. Therefore, the Central Executive may take a final decision on the matter.
7.10 The duties and powers of the Executive Committee shall be:
(a) To Examine and review as the need arises, the policies, programmes and projects of The Nzuko Ora and make recommendations to the Annual General Meeting;
(b) To submit recommendations to the Annual General Meeting for the revision, amendment or alteration of the constitution;
(c) To vet, draft, propose or suggest programmes and agenda for the Annual General Meeting and Four Yearly Assembly;
(d) To receive and discuss any address submitted to it by the President-General, the Secretary-General or the auditors of The Nzuko Ora during the year;
(e) To deal with any disciplinary matters submitted to it and make recommendations to the Annual General Meeting; and
(f) To deliberate on such other matters as may be conducive to the good government of The Nzuko Ora.
8.1 The Annual General Meeting of The Nzuko Ora shall be held once a year at Nnewi and shall be attended by representatives of all the branches.
8.2 The voting power of each abroad branch shall be weighted in accordance with the strength of its membership. For every 50 members, a branch shall be entitled to one vote subject to a maximum of 5 votes. For membership in excess of 250, there shall be an additional one vote for every 200 members. The Home Branch shall have fifty-one votes.
8.3 The business and powers of the General Meeting shall be as follows:
(a) To determine, approve or review the general policy and projects of The Nzuko Ora;
(b) To deal with any matters of finance, to receive and scrutinize finance and audit reports submitted to it;
(c) To receive and consider the annual reports or recommendations submitted by the President General, Secretary-General, the Central Executive or any other Committee;
(d) To approve any recommendation for the amendment or alteration of the constitution as the need arises. The general review of the Constitution as the shall be effected every six years or whenever demanded by the Annual General Meeting; and
(e) To exercise disciplinary powers over members, officers or branches of The Nzuko Ora
9.1 Every four years, all members of The Nzuko Ora shall meet at Nnewi at the days and times to be fixed by The Nzuko Ora. The Four Yearly Assembly shall provide an opportunity for members to meet for exchange of views, for lectures and such other functions as may promote the purpose and objectives of The Nzuko Ora.
9.2 It shall be mandatory on all the members of Nzuko Ora to attend the four-yearly assembly, except those exempt by their Branches.
9.3 The Executive committee shall be responsible for making all arrangements for the proper and smooth meeting of the Four Yearly Assembly. It may do so through such committees as it may deem fit.
9.4 The Executive committee shall at the end of each Four Yearly Assembly prepare proper accounts and records thereof, copies of which shall be distributed to all branches of The Nzuko Ora.
10.1 Home Branch
There shall be a Home branch of the Nzuko Ora which shall consist of all adult male Nnewi indigenes resident at Nnewi. Its activities shall be carried out by a body whose membership shall consist of:
(a) Five representatives of each of the fifty-one administrative wards of Nnewi; and
(b) Four offices each of the Development Associations of Otolo Nnewi, Uruagu Nnewi, Umudim Nnewi and Nnewichi Nnewi.
The Home Branch shall meet at 12 noon on the first Sunday of every month at Nnewi Youth League Hall, Nkwo Nnewi
10.2 Abroad Branches
There shall be established a Branch in every town where there is at least ten qualified members resident. Where there are less than ten qualified members, they shall be required to register with the nearest Branch. Abroad Branches shall meet every month on such a day, time and place ae the members shall decide.
11.1 Central offices
The elective Central Offices of The Nzuko Ora are as follows:
(a) President General
(b) Secretary-General
(c) Treasurer
(d) Financial Secretary
(e) Vice President
(f) Assistant Secretary
(g) Legal Adviser
(h) Publicity Secretary
(i) 4 Provosts
(j) 8 Trustees
(k) 8 Patrons
(c) The principal offices, that is, President General, Secretary-General, Treasurer and Financial Secretary shall be distributed among the four Communities of Nnewi, namely: Otolo Nnewi, Uruagu Nnewi, Umudim Nnewi and Nnewichi Nnewi, and shall rotate among them. At the meeting for an election, each community of Nnewi shall present three candidates for each of the posts due to it and the meeting will elect one of them by voting. The other elective offices shall also be shared among the four communities of Nnewi and shall rotate among them.
11.2 Branch Offices:
1. Every Branch shall have the following offices:
(a) Chairman
(b) Secretary
(c) Treasurer
(d) Financial Secretary
(e) Vice-Chairman
(f) Assistant Secretary
(g) Publicity Secretary
(h) Social Secretary
(i) 4 Provost
(j) 4 Branch Patrons
The principal offices, that is Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Financial Secretary shall be distributed among the four communities of Nnewi and shall rotate among them.
(a) Each Branch shall have its own Branch constitution, a copy of which must be deposited with the Secretary-General of The Nzuko Ora. No provision of the Branch Constitution shall be void to the extent of the conflict.
(b) The name of a Branch shall begin with Nzuko ora Nnewi, followed by the town where it would be located, e.g. “Nzuko Ora Nnewi, Lagos Branch”.
(1) The election of officers shall be held every four years, except for the Trustees. The election shall be at the Annual General Meeting.
(2) At the Annual General Meeting, a Returning Officer and a Secretary shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees to conduct the election.
(3) The Returning Officer shall declare all offices vacant and accept three nominations for each post, that is, each community of Nnewi shall present three candidates for each of the posts due to it and meeting will elect one of them by voting.
(4) The President- General and the vice-president shall be elected from separate Branches.
(5) Voting shall be by an open secret ballot system.
(6) The candidate with the highest number of votes cast is the winner. A candidate for a post may be returned unopposed.
(7) Where a vacancy occurs in any office, the Central Executive Committee may appoint a qualified member to act in that capacity until the next Annual General Meeting which shall conduct an election to fill the vacancy.
All officers, except the patrons and the Trustees, shall hold office for a single non-renewable term of four years.
14.1 The President General
The President-General shall
(a) Preside at meetings of the Central Executive Committee, Annual General Meeting and Four Yearly Assembly;
(b) With the assistance of the Secretary-General, prepare the agenda of the meeting. Branches of The Nzuko Ora may send in issues to the secretariat for inclusion on the agenda, provided that this is done not later than months before the meeting for Annual General Meeting and six weeks before the meeting for the Central Executive Committee meeting. All such issues shall be presented to the general house for consideration
(c) Direct the proceedings at a meeting in accordance with the provisions of the constitution and in accordance with the conventional rules of meetings;
(d) Exact effective control during the meeting by the maintenance of orderly and democratic proceedings;
(e) Present a written address at the Annual General Meeting which will deal with activities of The Nzuko Ora;
(f) Possess a casting vote in the event of a tie;
(g) Sign such document and papers of The Nzuko Ora as may he requiring his signature;
(h) Function in a dignified manner reflecting his high position as a front-line image-maker for the town.
14.2 Secretary-General
The Secretary-General shall
(a) Keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the Central Executive Committee, Annual General Meeting and Four Yearly assembly and not later than two months of the holding of a meeting shall make copies of the minutes available to all Branches.
(b) Keep at the secretariat a register containing the nominal roll of the members of The Nzuko Ora;
(c) Be the custodian of all the records and properties of The Nzuko Ora which may come into his possession by virtue of his position;
(d) In consultation with the President-General summon meetings and prepare and circularize the agenda;
(e) Conduct correspondence on behalf of The Nzuko Ora, and inappropriate cases consult with the President General or the Legal Adviser;
(f) Present at every Annual General Meeting a written report of the activities of The Nzuko Ora during the past year;
(g) Perform any other duty as may be assigned to him.
The Treasurer shall
(a) Receive from the Financial Secretary all money collected and belonging to The Nzuko Ora;
(b) Within three working days, pay ALL the money into The Nzuko Ora’s bank account and shall not make any payment whatsoever direct from them;
(c) Only make payments for claims supported by authorized payment vouchers sent to him by the Financial Secretary and approved by the President-General;
(d) Use two ways of making approved payments;
(1) Where the amount to be paid does not exceed N2000.00 (two thousand), he shall pay cash from his impress account;
(2) Where the sum of money to be paid exceeds N2000.00, he shall pay by means of a cheque;
(e) Keep an impress not exceeding the sum of 10,000.00(ten thousand Naira);
(f) Obtain receipts for all payments made, or get the payee to sign for receipt on the voucher;
(g) Enter into his cash book all money received and all money disbursed, with details as to dates, source of money, purpose, etc, and prepare his annual account.
The Financial Secretary shall
(a) Receive and collect all money by way of levies, sub subscriptions, penalties and all other funds due and payable to The Nzuko Ora and issue receipts;
(b) Upon receiving any money, make entry of what he received in the appropriate book of accounts and files for proper documentation and shall, within 48 hours, pay over the same to the Treasurer. who shall sign or issue a receipt with clear particulars;
(c) Receive all claims for money made on The Nzuko Ora by anybody whosoever and process genuine claims for payment
(d) Keep properly and confidentially all the Books of Accounts and prepare his annual accounts.
The Vice President shall assist the President-General as the circumstances may require and shall in the absence of the President General Preside at meetings. In the absence of both officers, the members shall appoint one of the members to preside over the meeting and such appointee shall exercise the power of the President General for the duration of the meeting
The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary-General in the performance of his duties and shall during the absence of the Secretary-General take over the latter’s duties and functions.
The Legal Adviser shall, at the request of The Nzuko Ora or any of its officers, give legal advice on any matter pertaining to The Nzuko Ora.
The Publicity Secretary shall:
(a) Publicize, when necessary, the activities of The Nzuko Ora through the mass media, provided that in appropriate cases, he shall consult with the Secretary-General and Legal Adviser and of course obtain clearance from the President-General;
(b) Act as a watch-dog in respect of publications relating to the interest of The Nzuko Ora Nnewi people.
The Provost shall:
(a) maintain order at meetings;
(b) see to the proper sitting arrangement for the meeting;
(c) book all the latecomers, noisemakers disturb the orderly proceedings of that meeting. Such offenders and/delinquents shall be penalized as the meeting may from time to time decode.
Two persons, one of whom should be a Chartered Accountant, shall be appointed by the Annual General Meeting. They shall audit the accounts of The Nzuko Ora for the year then ending and forward their report to the Central Executive Committee at its meeting preceding the Annual General Meeting and shall thereafter present their Report to the Annual General Meeting.
The Nzuko Ora acting through the Central Executive Committee and the Annual General Meeting has powers to levy all adult Nnewi indigenes, on a matter where they may reside, for the purpose of Nnewi development and to impose sanctions against defaulters in the customary fashion, subject to any written law in force in Anambra state.
The funds of The Nzuko Ora shall be derived from the following sources:
(1) Per capita registration fees as may from time to time be fixed by the Central Executive Committee and the Annual General Meeting
Standing and Committee may be appointed from time to time by the Central Executive Committee with such membership, the term of reference and tenure as the Central Executive Committee may decide.
Where there is any dispute or question as to what meaning or interpretation of any provision of this constitution the same shall be finally determined by the President General after due consultation with the Secretary-General and Legal Adviser with the concurrence of the Central Executive Committee.
The constitution may be amended by resolution in any Annual General Meeting. PROVIDED that no such resolution shall be deemed to have been passed unless it is carried by a majority of at least two-thirds of the members voting thereon. Any proposed amendment to this constitution is a vital issue, as per Section 7.10 of this constitution, and shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary-General at least four months before the Annual General Secretary shall cause the proposal to be circulated to the Branches at least three months before the General Meeting. The Constitution shall be subject to mandatory review every six years.
The Central Executive Committee shall therefore or at such future date as shall be specified in such resolution, proceed to realize the properties of The Nzuko Ora and after the discharge of all the liabilities shall transfer and deal with the said assets as hereinafter provided in clause 21.
Upon the completion of such transfer, The Nzuko Ora shall be dissolved and a notice of such dissolution gives to the Corporate Affair Commission.
The income and property of The Nzuko Ora whenever derived shall be applied solely toward the promotion of the objects of The Nzuko Ora set forth in this constitution and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonds, or otherwise however by way of profit to the members PROVIDED that nothing herein shall prevent the payment in good faith of reasonable and proper remuneration to any officer or servant of The Nzuko Ora or to any member of The Nzuko Ora in return for any service actually rendered to The Nzuko Ora but so that no matter of the Central Executive Committee of The Nzuko Ora shall be appointed to any office of The Nzuko Ora paid by fees, and that no remuneration or other benefits in money or money’s worth shall be given by The Nzuko Ora to any member of the Central Executive committee, that is the Governing body, except as repayment of out-of pocket expenses or reasonable and proper rent for premises demised or let to The Nzuko Ora, provided that the provision last aforesaid shall not apply to any payment to any company in which a member of The Nzuko Ora may be a member if such member shall not hold more than one percent of the capital, and such member shall not be bound to account for any share of profits he may receive in respect of any such payment. If in the event of a winding-up or dissolution of the Nzuko Ora, there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid or distributed among members of The Nzuko Ora and the body or bodies are prohibited from distributing its or their income and property from distributing its or their income and property amongst its or their members to an extent at least as great as is imposed on The Nzuko Ora under or by virtue of the Special Clause hereof, such institutions to be determined by members of The Nzuko Ora at or before the time of dissolution and in so far as effect cannot be given to the aforesaid provision then to some charitable object.
This revised constitution was approved by the accredited delegates of the fifty-one administrative wards of Nnewi at a meeting summoned for that purpose on Sunday10th November 1996 at the NYL Hall, Nkwo Nnewi at a meeting of two hundred and two votes to four.
Signed by the Trustees of Nnewi community development Union (now Nzuko Ora Nnewi)
Chief (Dr.) Dozie Ikedife
Chief V. A. Orizu
Chief (Sir) I. N. Asomugha
Chief E. N. Izundu
Mr E. N. Okafor
Dr Chief B U C Aghazu(Chairman)
Mr E. C. Egwudo
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